Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Coolness, Popularity

            Currently I am reading the book So Yesterday by Scott Westerfield. It is about a boy named Hunter and his firend Jen. They are both part of the "cool pyramid". Jen is an Innovator, she is at the top of the pyramid always creating the new fashion when the recent one starts to fade away. Hunter is a trend setter, he is at the second slot available in the pyramid. His job is to spot what's in trend by taking pictures with his always one step ahead cellphone. This book is a mystery but it has made me think, What is cool?
            Merriam Wester's Dictionary's definition of cool is "...to not be friendly...". My definition of cool would be the people who are themselves and live life the way they want to. Nowadays in the 21st century, the cool people are the ones who can get their hands on some of the drugs or the ones who hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders. Some people think of being cool or popular as a must. Jen and Hunter see it as a job and as a way to be one step ahead of everybody else.            
            Truth is this book reminds me of school and its social pyramid. There are the people at the top that are super popular and get invited to all these parties and know people all over New York City. A typical stereotype includes all of the jocks and cheerleaders which isn't always true. Then are the people that are usually running for student council and the people who win class president are usually the leaders of this group. Next on the list are the class clowns and the ones who want the spotlight on them 24/7. After that are the wanna-bes. These are the people who try to hard to get everybody to like them. They have no friends and if they do then they're not their real friends because usually they're talking behind each others backs. After that are the ones who are video game addicts and the ones who simly don't care where they are or who they are seen with.

Me, I'm not popular but I'm also not a video game addict. I have all the friends I need to leave school this year with great friendships. 


  1. I've tried reading this book but just couldn't seem to get into it? Did you read his other work? It's fantastic.

  2. Yeah, it took me a while to find out what was happening in the book too. No I haven't read any of his other work. Do you recommend anything?
